Peer-reviewed articles
Suka, A., Uenoyama, R., Ichizawa, S., Katayama, M., Miyazaki, M., and Miyazaki, T. Reduction of urinary felinine in domestic cats with renal diseases leads to decreased catty odor. (2025) Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 87(1):61-67. DOI: 10.1292/jvms.24-0370
Harada, K., Wada, E., Osuga, Y., Shimizu, K., Uenoyama, R., Hirai, M. Y., Maekawa, F., Miyazaki, M., Hayashi, Y. K., Nakamura, K., and Tsuboi, T. Intestinal butyric acid-mediated disruption of gut hormone secretion and lipid metabolism in vasopressin receptor-deficient mice. (2024) Molecular Metabolism 91:102072. DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2024.102072
Ichizawa, S., Uenoyama, R., Kawashima, C., Miyazaki, M., Yamagishi, N., and Miyazaki, T., Serum metabolic profiling in pregnant Holstein cows 3 weeks prior to parturition using two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. (2024) Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 86(6): 606-611. DOI: 10.1292/jvms.24-0091
Uenoyama, R., Zhu, W., Miura, M., Miyazaki, T., and Miyazaki, M. 9. Sprayed Urine Emits a Pungent Odor due to its Increased Adhesion to VerticalObjects via Urinary Proteins Rather Than to Changes in its Volatile Chemical Profile in Domestic Cats. (2024) Journal of Chemical Ecology 50:978-993. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-024-01490-1
Obara, K.#, Uenoyama, R.#,, Obata, Y., and Miyazaki, M. Development of the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based aroma designer capable of modifying volatile chemical compositions in complex odors. Chemical Senses. (2024) Chemical Senses 49:bjae007. DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjae007 #equal contribution.
Uenoyama, R., Ooka, S., Miyazaki, T., Mizumoto, H., Nishikawa, T., Hurst, J.L., and Miyazaki, M. Assessing the safety and suitability of using silver vine as an olfactory enrichment for cats. (2023) iScience 26(10):107848. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107848
Ichizawa, S., Uenoyama, R., Nakanishi, N., Endo, Y., Suka, A., Izawa, M., and Miyazaki, M. A comparative profile of urinary scent signals of two endangered Japanese populations of leopard cat. (2023) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1194611. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1194611
Wu, J., Sun, W., Sun, C., Xu, C., Li, S., Li, P., Xu, C., Zhu, D., Li, M., Yang, L., Wei, J., Hanzawa, A., Tapati, S.J., Uenoyama, R., Miyazaki, M., Rahman, A., and Wu, S. Cold stress induces malformed tomato fruits by breaking the feedback loops of stem cell regulation in floral meristem. (2022) New Phytologist 237(6):2268–2283 DOI: 10.1111/nph.18699
Uenoyama, R., Miyazaki, T., Adachi, M., Nishikawa, T., Hurst, J.L., and Miyazaki, M. Domestic cat damage to plant leaves containing iridoids enhances chemical repellency to pests. (2022) iScience 25(7):104455. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104455
Uenoyama, R., Miyazaki, T., Hurst, J.L., Beynon, R.J., Adachi, M., Murooka, T., Onoda, I, Miyazawa, Y., Katayama, R., Yamashita, T., Kaneko, S., Nishikawa, T., and Miyazaki, M. The characteristic response of domestic cats to plant iridoids allows them to gain chemical defense against mosquitoes. (2021) Science Advances 7(4):eabd9135. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd9135.
Miyazaki, T., Uenoyama, R., Matsuzaki, T., Yamashita, T., Hirata, T., and Miyazaki, M. Detection of urinary luteinizing hormone in Japanese black cows after administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. (2021) The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 83(3):431–434. DOI: 10.1292/jvms.20-0506
Uenoyama, R., Miyazaki, M., Miyazaki, T., Shigeno, Y., Tokairin, Y., Konno, H., and Yamashita, T. LC-ESI-MS/MS quantification of carnosine, anserine, and balenine in meat samples. (2019) Journal of Chromatography B 1132:121826. DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2019.121826
Other publications
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上野山怜子,西川俊夫,宮崎雅雄.大丈夫、マタタビは安全です―ネコのマタタビ反応に依存性なし.(2024) 科学 94(2):103–108.
宮崎雅雄,上野山怜子, 西川俊夫.匂いとフェロモンの科学 ネコのマタタビ行動.(2024) 科学 93(5):425-429.
Miyazaki, M. and Uenoyama, R. Chemical pest defense by the innate response to silver vine and catnip plants in the domestic cat. (2023) In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15, p435-449.
Miyazaki, T., Onozawa, U., Uenoyama, R., and Miyazaki, M. Scent Communication between Males and estrous Females in domestic Dogs (Canis Lupus Familiaris). (2023) In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15, p195-205.
上野山怜子,西川俊夫,宮崎雅雄.ネコにマタタビ─その特異な行動の謎. (2022) 生物の科学・遺伝 77(2):117–123.
上野山怜子,西川俊夫,宮崎雅雄.7. 香り物質と生きものの最新研究 ネコがマタタビを舐め噛む特異な行動は防虫効果を高める.(2022) Aroma Research 24(1):46-52.
宮崎雅雄,上野山怜子.ネコ特異な生理と行動.(2022) 動物心理学研究 72(2):39–44.DOI: 10.2502/janip.72.2.2
上野山怜子,西川 俊夫,宮崎 雅雄.ネコ特有なマタタビ反応の知られざる機能─伝染病を媒介する蚊への化学的防御─.(2022) におい・かおり環境学会誌 53(6):336–344.DOI: 10.2171/jao.53.336
宮崎雅雄,上野山怜子.ネコ科にマタタビ―多幸感と蚊よけの仕組み.(2022) 東京消防 101(1):88-92.
上野山怜子,西川俊夫,宮崎雅雄.ネコがマタタビに反応する生物学的意義の解明.(2022) 化学と生物 59(9):435-440.
上野山怜子,西川俊夫,宮崎雅雄.ネコのマタタビに対する特異的な反応は蚊に対する化学防御効果を有する.(2021) Aroma Research 22(2):126-132
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